Meet Sugar Ray

The only ones left in the family who don't wear glasses  are our youthful "kids".  Come to think of it,  they don't borrow the cars either and never break curfew.  Mandy even has a diploma. They have each written their "Mom" a poem for her 40th Birthday.
Click Here for Mandy's Poem                Click Here for Thumby's Poem

The Worlds Greatest Dog Worlds Best Cat

Raves: Going for a ride anywhere, new lambs fleece toy complete with tweeper, Granny's brisket, Bill's chicken, Aunt Nancy's gravy, bones bones and more bones

Peeves: Thunder, going outside alone, getting nails clipped, getting a bath,  going out in the rain and the dreaded  empty bowl.

Favorite Pastime: Napping

Favorite TV Show: Anything with animals in it. Among my favorites are: Northern Exposure (only the opening with moose), Wishbone, Mad About You (Murray), and Frasier (Eddie).

Favorite Personal Shopper: Roni's Pet Supplies

Dreams: To one day finally catch a squirrel

Raves: Taco bell, a pile of warm clean clothes, a full bowl of food, a grocery bag to play in, my cat napper and plenty of sunlight.

Peeves: Seeing my parents' luggage in the living room, getting my extra thumbnails trimmed (hence my nickname Thumbs), and not obtaining frequent flyer miles for numerous Florida vacations.

Favorite Pastime: Spending the afternoon alone on my throne in my own sunroom. (see above picture)

Favorite TV Show: Anything that keeps Bill & Wendy on the couch for more than 10 minutes for a good petting session.

Dreams: Would like to one day  video conference with Abby & Leopold.

If you would like to see more photos of our kids CLICK HERE