Dear Mom                                                                                   2/19/01

When the day’s just begun
And I need to go run
We go to the park and have lots of fun.

In the middle of the night
When my tummy’s not right
You make me feel better, much to my delight.

When I suddenly awake
And I need to go make
You run to the back door, shake, shake ,shake.

When the thunder claps with might
And I start shaking with fright
You’re there to console me like a guiding light.

When the stuffing’s pulled out
And I start to pout
You run to the garage and pull another one out.

When it’s time to eat
Or I just want a treat
You fill my bowl with goodies, if I’m lucky some meat

In my special way
I just wanted to say
I love you Mom

Have a Happy and Healthy and Joyous Birthday!

Love Mandy