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We are back from our winter vacation inYellowstone and can't wait to share it with you!  To begin with, Yellowstone is a truely magical place that one really needs to experience in real life to fully appreciate; the winter adds yet another layer of wonder and solitude to it all.   Isolated from the world, you travel through a landscape transformed by endless fields of virgin snow making the most beautiful place on earth even more awe-inspiring. The thumbnails you see on the right are links to full screen images of our trip.   They are by no means a substitute for going there in the winter, in fact we hope they encourage you to plan a trip to Yellowstone in an upcoming winter. (If you do lets us know..we already want to go back) We did just about everything the park had to offer:   cross country skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling and snow coach tours.  We had a diverse group of guides from all over the country who were all very knowledgable and friendly making the experience that much better.  We saw a variety of winter inhabitants like elk, a moose, mule deer, coyote (some a little too curious), a fox,   bison, a rabit, trumpeter swans, pickpocketing ravens, magpies, mallards, dippers, golden eyes, and a bald eagle ruling over a dead carcass. Because we were staying in a "closed" park the food choices were some what limiting.  Although the dining was excellent, Wendy, as you know, is more of a burger and fries kind of person, but enjoyed a gourmet salad with every meal.  We hope you enjoy our vacation photos and please stop back in a couple of weeks for more selections.


Bill & Wendy

wendy tetons BW at Jackson Arch
moody river wendy at artemesia
paint pots paint pots tour
wendy on trail to paint pots BW by a Bombadier
clypsedra erupting bill and the grand
nice tree & sky wendy at paint pots

All Images Copyright © 1998 William Bryant and BW Computer Designs

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