new future images

Greatly resembles Reena in Denali National Park .


Wendy Bill Mom and Rebecca at Swarthmore Beer Bash & Frisbee.

Family celebrates with a pic-nic.

1991 Mom & Dad relaxing inbetween the trees.

Great Gatsby 1997



Jane & Harry Mison’s 50th Anniversary Song
A.K.A. Mom & Dad’s 50th Anniversary Song
At Woodloch Resort May 28 thru June 2, 2009
Sung to *Puff The Magic Dragon


Our story starts at Alamar, the camp at which they met
A counselor gazed upon young Jane, his mind like that (snap fingers) was set
This is who I’ll marry, she’s the one for me
I’ll change my name and lose the ‘znick’, and start a family
Jane and Harry Mison, Forever holding hands
Music, birding, tennis, golf now grand kids take grand stand
Fifty years of friendship, life-mates from the start
Respect, good health and family yields happy healthy hearts

Quickly came the first child, pseudo-Tera Wendy,
A smiling boy named Robert Bruce, Rebecca finally.
Camping, carpool, cub scouts, Bar & Bat Mitzvahs too,
Hofstra, Brandeis, Swarthmore, Berkley, HEJC, MDNA, whew (wipe forehead)!
Becky’s done with school now (6), Robert’s a legal advisor (8)
Wendy marries Bill outside (7) among the shooting geysers (7).
Pepperidge, Inverary, Boxwood to (6) Boca and The Crestwood (6)
Pirate ships would lower their flags (8)when Puff roared out his name (6). Oh
Ivan marries into the clan (8), our mishpacha is so good (5)!   Oh!


A dragon lives forever (7) but not so little boys  (6)
Jane and Harry travel (6), making up for time (5).
Painted wings and giant rings (7) make way for other toys (6).
Safari, Europe, the Amazon (9) get them fit and primed (5)
One grey night it happened (6), Jackie Paper came no more (7)
For the hardest job of being  (8) Grandpa and Granny! (5)
And Puff that mighty dragon (7), he ceased his fearless roar (6).
Reena fisrst, then came Avi, (7) Lily completes the family (8)

His head was bent in sorrow (7), green scales fell like rain (5),
Reena, Avi, Lily (7), two girls and a boy(5)
Puff no longer went to play(7) along the cherry lane (6).
Granny & Grandpa drive to Phillie to watch them grow (13), and bring them such great joy (6).
Without his life-long friend (6), Puff could not be brave (5),
Their love blossoms out to others and creates a magic rain.
So Puff that mighty dragon (7) sadly slipped into his cave (7). Oh
That showers on the family, ‘cause they’re Harry and Jane

*Written in 1959







